Monday, May 23, 2011

Happy Birthday Java!

Happy Birthday Java!
Thanks James Gosling and all people who build java for past and present!

Saturday, May 21, 2011

[Spring] Important issue for Naming of Web Applications and ApplicationContext. xml

If you have many web applications such as ejb or servlet on the same application server. You should never use same application-Context xml file for each different project.

Second application which has same named file will not be deployed successfully!.

Enjoy with Java, Enjoy with Spring!

This is today's word :) for future...

Saturday, May 14, 2011

[Java Popular Mistakes]Out of memory error:java heap space

When you run your java program which is run on the appplication server or standalone on your operating system, there is a possibility to have a such a type of error "Out of memory error:java heap space".

:) many reasons are can be possible on your code. Before editing java system properties please check your code and control whether any recursive and endless loops are existed!

After checking, if you dont find any logical mistake, you can visit this link: