Sunday, September 27, 2020


 When I started to web programming, number of usage applets > # of javascript codes. This could be comparing apples and pears but I mean size amount of codes. like %50 applet %10 js and %40 html :). 

Many web platforms were born. Some of application servers became an open source. 

Nowadays, js engines are the era of rise and development. There are many expired libraries and useful libraries. 

15 years ago we read the internet has many garbage data, now this is similiar situation for js libraries. 

I think inorganic improvements make this. I wonder how the chages will be shaped in future.

The world is changing. I can smell it in the air; I can feel it in the water.” Galadriel

Make unit tests mandatory!

Applying  Unit Tests before start to code gives a fairy effect on software maintaince process. 

When  every code change starts with changing test cases, your test cases become up-to-date and safe.

It also minimizes the number of code defects.  

.. This is one of my depiction from my observations over the last decade.

Monday, July 20, 2020

25 posts about Java :-)

When I read this post

What about very free java applications, frameworks, papers related with Java? 

MuJava, WebSphinx, WEKA, Wiggle, Selenium, Alice (java learning for kids)

They are just only came to my mind in seconds :). I wanted to post this before I forgot.


Sunday, May 31, 2020

Extreme Side Effect

Today developers learn coding and code

But considering side effect is as important as thinking design patterns, software design principles and language properties.

image source:

Friday, May 22, 2020

A postcard to Java for 25th Birthday


Happy Birthday!


Hello again my old friend,

Since JDK 1.2, I witnessed (your life)Java and how you has been transformed from  countable  classes  to uncountable(from frog to Prince Charming :-)).

Firstly understanding heap and stack terms took time(I mean create class/ variable and think how JVM keeps it  on  Stack or  Heap etc. nowadays in books about Java contain less information than before Specifically newbies must read PL books). My first app was listing all classes of Java after writing Hello World on console. The second one was by using to crawl web sites. On those days information retrieval was easier than today. Third application was chat socket programming. The book "Thinking in "Java was my favorite book. Language Specification Documents of Java and JVM always are considerable.

As a professional I started to develop web application for JRun server and Bea Weblogic and standalone Java applications on those days, I had been also coding in  C++ and C. Actually I love both languages because everything is under developer's control but If you develop an enterprise application, for each operating system writing, compiling,testing,storing codes have many complexities/costs. C++ is still my delight(I miss those days) but Java has been always fine.
I think everybody may code but just only learn how to code is not enough to extend.  How OS works, data structures, network deals must be learned.

(Rube Goldberg projects....)

After 1.6, I decided to write a new web server but fate of this dream like my OS project (It was still my dream, please do not tell anyone, because I told already). I thought I need academical support and for my master thesis I would have been write a new OS.  The topic boss was not mine I understood when I graduated :).

Actually, in Turkey, you started to be most popular at the very end of 90s. IP Layer enhancements and business moved from  CORBA/tel net connections to the SOAP/XML Based web service  communications and Java's RMI :) (my old deprecated friend being slow and have restrictions is not your fault).
And big shadow of you had been bigger.

Since Java 1.7 I've posted many news about you here.

I sincerelly congratulate and appreciate  Supporters/Developers of Java.

Happy Birthday with happiest Threads:-)

So, show must go on

Friday, March 13, 2020

It is not a bug, it is just a lesson

Source: Land of LISP
Root causes of defects in  software  projects may have many.

When my projects work in production systems without software defects for years, It gives me Alex Ferguson Effect and I feel like my team won Second Champions League trophy.

Sometimes the problems you met, throws you multicore programming course at university. 

Sometimes, you solved it before and do not remember how to solve it. Just like running the NoSQL query without an ID, remembering how it was solved after 5 days; It reminds me to wait for the migraine to pass without using painkillers.

According to books which tell about how brain works, our brains know but don't know what they know. Proving this is a kind of NP Problem, am I right?

Wednesday, January 22, 2020

Are microservice architectures more green?

1 web service + 1 web server + 1 database = more green architecture

The sum above reminds me Andersen stories.

Loosely coupled systems and managing more than thousands services also with security policies and enable your technology more ecological.

That is trade off for lean architecture and .....lith systems.

I think Green IT will be  our new research topic for next decade.

Anything else?