Sunday, December 25, 2011

New Year with Happy Threads!

I wish you very fantastic years without null pointer exceptions, side effects  and undefined behaviours from runtime engines, interpreters or compilers!

In addition, I wish you a very new year with patterns which are composed of peacefully, healthy, and composed with all happy things that you imagine and you could not imagine.

Saturday, December 24, 2011

The Humble Programmer

Mr. Dijkstra is Dutch Computer Scientist.  He won a ACM Turing Award and so many..

I read this lecture, and really i impressed.

If you prefer, you can read his article in the following link:

More information about him as follows:

Friday, December 9, 2011

BPEL: Boolean in other words using true or false !

Have you ever been written any Oracle Bpel flow by using boolean variables?

Only One thing I want to say about this data type be C A R E F U L L !

Function and condition checking statements must contain correct syntax.

Otherwise, your conditions can not work correctly!

Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Remove borders!

Would you please think such a conference that you participate by using a specific software tool or connecting to the web site and so on.

I want to go to conferences all around the world such as IEEE PIRMC, Oracle Open World by this way!

I want to ask a question by sending text message to the speaker also it is online!

Why not?

Yes please :).