Wednesday, February 6, 2019

AI--Machine Learning -- Deep Learning in Coding

24 years ago, when I was at university, the Fuzzy Logic and  Artificial Intelligence(AI) were popular like  today  but  students just made survey of AI  as graduate thesis. For master and PhD students, things were different just as today.

14 years ago, when I was master student, using  machine learning(ML) algorithms for research  were very useful but learning rate could be not satisfied mostly.

For my graduated thesis, I remember training phase took 2 days approximately. 

But today, everything in ML/AI is easier than before. 
Open source world growth quadratically  and we could find any library __that we need__  in open source repositories. Without knowing the theory of neural computing, we could do anything in ML by using open source projects such as WEKA, H2O.  In addition, deep learning libraries in Python  are awesome today (GPU usage instead CPU helped to reputation of Phyton libraries). 

I have too many Rube Goldberg projects which AI based, one of them my AI kit watches the kitchen of  the Michelin Star Chefs and learns to cook :).

Why not? For Go play, It was worked.

A.I./ML in programming languages for memory management  could be nice. But it comes to the source code analyzing/DF Topic  actually everything seems rule based. So statistical methods are very helpful such as classification. Using classification algorithms and announce we are using ML  etc comes to me funny and not smart.