Monday, September 29, 2014

3 important things 4 everyone who wants to be a Software Engineer/Code Composer/Programmer/Coder whatever you call :)

I think not 10, 3  advices  are adequate to you.

Advice 1: Read Read Read
Advice 2: Try to run code samples
Advice 3: Think how could you extend the API/LIB  that you are using

Once upon a time

We had software projects which could be saved into 3½-inch floppy disks.

We could copy compact discs from one to another  by paying 10$ in 1999.

Thursday, September 25, 2014

Java 8


Book: Java 8 Lambdas by  Richard Warburton

My favorite section is Lambda-Enabled Design Patterns. It was surprise to me because I did not expect to read anything about the design patterns.
In addition:
Every code line works successfully. It is hardly seen in many books. Have you ever used  the static imports? With the examples of this book, you would be :).

As everybody knows It isn't your Grandmother's Java, anymore!

Book: Java SE 8 for the Really Impatient by Cay S. Horstmann

Streams, Time API, Lambdas, Java FX and Nashorn JS Engine are explained with samples in this book.

If John Lennon would have been lived, He would have been compose a song for Java 8.