Sunday, September 27, 2020


 When I started to web programming, number of usage applets > # of javascript codes. This could be comparing apples and pears but I mean size amount of codes. like %50 applet %10 js and %40 html :). 

Many web platforms were born. Some of application servers became an open source. 

Nowadays, js engines are the era of rise and development. There are many expired libraries and useful libraries. 

15 years ago we read the internet has many garbage data, now this is similiar situation for js libraries. 

I think inorganic improvements make this. I wonder how the chages will be shaped in future.

The world is changing. I can smell it in the air; I can feel it in the water.” Galadriel

Make unit tests mandatory!

Applying  Unit Tests before start to code gives a fairy effect on software maintaince process. 

When  every code change starts with changing test cases, your test cases become up-to-date and safe.

It also minimizes the number of code defects.  

.. This is one of my depiction from my observations over the last decade.